Pirjo has courage and is the most steadfast. She has real Finnish Sisu. She braved sailing the seas with Pauli, even taking her dog along. Never flinched at becoming a mother, has been a good wife, and loyal to Pauli.
I have respected her and those who know her, know how much she has had to overcome. We have had our moments, but mother-in-laws have never been anyone's favorite people.
She is a fantastic and good artist, a lover of animals, and has traveled around the world. She has been a well loved teacher to people who are blind and deaf, and a kind nurse with all her patients.
My only regret is not having the ability to learn sign language.
Pirjo just turned 60.


Putting up a brave face. I hate airports and saying Good-Bye

Just arrived in Brazil

Selma and Heidi

I never thought I'd see the day to see Heidi in a printed T-shirt

This is bad service

At last
Tired and exhausted after a 19 hour flight from Brazil and at the airport in Helsinki after the flight to Kuopio had been cancelled and finally arriving in Kuopio February 2018

October 2018, Little Maria Paula's 4th Birthday